Many budding entrepreneurs who experience business failures, may not even know why their cannot be clearly deciphered, they my find it difficult to revive the business. However, this book seeks to show all business oriented W people why business fail and how to put such business back on their feet and running again. Over 60 reasons have been given in this wonderful book and many entrepreneurs will be able to recognize themselves in the insightful reasons and clear examples depicted on the book. Indeed this book is the mentor many entrepreneurs never had before launching into their business! A must read! ABOUT THE AUTHOR Clement Obadimu holds a Doctorate (Ph.D.) degree from the University of Calabar. A chartered chemist and a member of the Association of Economists and Statisticians of Nigerian. A life coach, inspirational speaker and published author of many books among which are Family Management, ‘From being Successful to being Significant (series); Now that you are a graduate, study smart and much more. In addition, he is an astute practitioner of the principles outlined in this book. He is married to Esther and they are blessed with four children.

Item Weight:

354 g


320 pages

Product Dimensions:

15.2 x 1.36 x 22.9 cm




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